Well, it's here. I know you are probably not as excited as I am, but I will finally get to see my hard work pay off (hopefully). If you have no clue what I'm talking about, I suggest you read this first. For those who read my last post and know what this is about, kudos! I'll just do a quick rundown of it again. 

The Forgotten is a documentary telling the lives of the boys who live on the streets of Kenya. These boys have run away from home, and often are considered dead as the family has no way to know where they are. In order to film, produce, and distribute, we need additional funds! That's the last post in a nutshell. 

For more information about the film, check out it's website at www.ForgottenStreetChildren.com
In order to donate or learn what we need additional funds for, head on over to www.IndieGoGo.com/ForgottenTheMovie
Be sure and connect with us on Facebook and Google+!

Check out our latest promo video below.
Thanks for reading this, and please share with your friends and family! Help us tell the stories of these boys.

Nick, the Towheaded Rambler
It has been quite a while since I've posted on here, so I apologize. I've been rather busy with the media/webpages/advertisements for a project some of you may have heard of, a documentary called "The Forgotten". 

Below is some concept art by yours truly, with some tips from my pal Hayden of One Little Corner.
I've been spending most of my mornings going out on the streets of Kisumu, Kenya, filming the boys where they work, eat, sleep, and survive. Because of the time I have spent with them I want to share their stories with the world, as most people are woefully informed about street boys. 

The purpose of the documentary is simple. Increase awareness of the street boys, and the different organizations helping them. I hope that by showing the example of Kenya, people will take the next step and learn about the street boys in their own country. 

In order to help produce, distribute, and sell the documentary, I'll be having an online fundraiser that will go live on March 1st. In addition to the fundraiser, the website, Facebook Page, and additional videos will go live as well that day. I'll be sure and post links to all on March 1st, so keep that date in mind! The fundraiser will run until April 30th, and the goal is to raise around $5,500. I know many of my friends cannot afford large (or any for that matter) contributions, but I have a number of perks that come with donations! ;) Even if you cannot fund the documentary, please share it on Twitter, your blog, Facebook, talking with people, wherever you happen to be! Chances are that if you cannot donate, you know someone who can, thus word of mouth is a powerful tool.

Please help me with this project, even through prayers! 
I'll post again on March 1st! 

Until then,
Nick, the Towheaded Rambler

Well it's been a bit since my last post, but this one will just be a quick update! 

Everything is going well! A bit hot and humid, but otherwise great. The "President's Award - Kenya" club I've joined (some background info here) is just kicking off and it should be a good experience! 

What is great is that I've recently been asked to help with a number of different organizations videos. Everything from helping to tape an event, to creating a promo video! So I'm looking forward to that! 

I know some of you have already seen this, but here's the most recent video I put together. Hopefully I'll be able to post a different one later this week. 

Most of the time street boys are forced to find food in trash bins, or beg for shillings so they can buy a "Mandazi" (a Kenyan pastry). We were able to find a couple who were preparing and cooking some potatoes they had found. 

Hoping this finds you in good health! 
Nick, the Towheaded Rambler
As some of you know, I started going out on the streets of Kisumu with Abel (a member of Agape's outreach team) and Steve (my bro), so I could get some footage for various reasons. We've been out a couple times in the past week, both in the early and late morning hours, to interact with the street boys.

Though filming at 5:45AM was a new experience for me, it was pretty fun! I've compiled some of the footage shot on the occasions I traversed the streets of Kisumu, Kenya.

The boys in the video are street boys; homeless, without food, cold, fearful, and in pain. Often they will resort to sniffing toxic glue in order to dull their senses and feel safe. It was a new experience to see them as they slept under bags on cement, wood, or whatever else they could find; and I'm looking forward to being with them again as they start their mornings on the streets.

The Street Boys of Kisumu from Creative Studios on Vimeo.

Footage showing the plight of boys living on the streets of Kisumu, Kenya.

Shot anytime between 5:30AM to 11:AM.

Equipment used:
Canon T2i with Magic Lantern

In Christ, 
Nick, the Towheaded Rambler